Sunday, June 26, 2005

early morning ruckus

i was reading my Sue Townsend when i heard a motorbike screech and honk at 4.30 AM. As described in the about section of this blog, i am a lazy bugger, so i ignored the noise. After about 10 minutes, the doorbell rang. I opened the window, and two guys were outside the gate, excitedly telling me that they just saw a person climb out our gate with a bag and ran off on a motorbike. The boys said they chased after the burglar in their car, but the burglar managed to get away. We all went down to check what was taken. No break in. The cats are safe. The burglar only took some shoes. Luckily my green adidas were inside, so they didn't get stolen. phew..

since they started doing the Syabas pipe replacements, the burglary rate has gone up around this area. i think only last week the house behind mine was broken into. i'm not blaming Syabas here, i'm merely pointing out a positive correlation in the data. hmm must remember to store all my valuables in a safe place. speaking of which, has anybody seen my digital camera?