Friday, February 29, 2008

How to find your purpose in life

i was talking to a friend about some totally ridiculous plan i had, and wanted to google that saying, "Every success starts with a dream." and i found this article, about finding your purpose in life. it's common sense stuff, but it good to read these things and remind ourselves sometimes.


Think about, if you knew you could not fail, had the resources you needed, and were supported by your family, friends, and your community, what would you do??

You deserve to have a purpose and to make your dreams come true. Most of what stops you is from a culture that did not give you what you needed to think of yourself as a contributing member. Through deep thought and hard work, you can find that needle in the haystack- and experience the power of purpose.

read more

- Randy Swanston

hmm. Yes. I deserve to have a purpose and make my dreams come true. By whatever means I feel is best for me, and not hurtful to anybody.