Monday, May 04, 2009

Mamma Mia!

So i didn't sleep at all last night, chatted with friends in KL until it was time to go.  Slept all the way in the bus, but did make some small talk with a couple of English ladies who have already been to Skopelos twice!  The bus left precisely at 6.45 AM, and arrived at the port Agios Konstantinous at 9.30 AM.  I went straight into the huge ferry, picked a seat, watched a documentary about ancient greek wonders, and fell asleep again.  The ferry left at 10.30 AM, made stops at Skiathos, Glossa (the other side of Skopelos), and finally Skopelos Town.  Just for records, this whole journey cost me about 63 Euros.

As soon as the plank was lowered, and I saw Skopelos, oooh....mamma mia!! I started devicing in my head how to stay here another day and skip that whole flight-from-Skiathos-to-Athens-the-day-before thing.  I could see that it's a beautiful island, although the weather is very cold today, and so far it's been misty.  The hills laced with the mist provided a somewhat dreamy backdrop to the densely populated white houses near the marina. (do i sound like a travel ad? sorry. hehe)

Suddenly I saw a lady holding a white card bearing my name.  Damn, i get picked up at the port? wah.  She's the owner of the hotel i booked, it's called DelSol or Takis-Sophie, i'm not sure which one is the real name.  I got a little studio unit, with a kitchenette, bathroom, dining table and a bedroom, for the same price i paid for that one bed in Athens.  Got wi-fi too, unfortunately no TV, but they're mostly in Greek anyway.  I'm pretty sure i'll have a good time here.

It's 5pm, but i think i'm going to take a nap.  The owner asked me to join a grill party at her restaurant later for a South African tour group she's hosting, so maybe I'll rest now and go see if there's anything nice i can eat.  This feels so weird, I was kind of expecting a formal hotel, but it feels more like i've been invited to stay at someone's really house.  Nice weird though.  I'm pretty sure i'm the only one here right now. hehehe. ta.