Wednesday, January 23, 2008

sunrise @ Nusa Dua

sunrise @ Nusa Dua, originally uploaded by nadi0.

The beginning of a new day at Nusa Dua. Taken from a low viewpoint of the rocks near the observation deck as the sun was rising. I took over 20 shots of the sunrise that morning, and decided that i like this one best.

i suppose it's the same with life. we live our lives getting upset over things that we cannot control, but if we stop for a while and look at it from different perspectives, we will find the beauty of it at some point.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

i'm back!

lotus, originally uploaded by nadi0.

...from bali, yeeha! after 6 days of chilling out, with a heavy heart and severe muscle cramps, i dragged myself to the airport for my plane back home.

i had some enrich points that were expiring, and coincidentally Enrich had a promo to Bali for 30% less points than usual. so i booked my seats 10 days before going and asked several friends who i thought might have enrich points to use (plane tickets were already RM2.5k). unfortunately, my last minute plan wasn't so well-received, but fortunately a couple of days later, my friend Lan said he could come with but he needed to leave by Sunday. woohooo! thank goodness, at least i had company for a few days before braving Bali by myself. i suppose i would get by OK by myself, but having company definitely made it more fun (and cheaper, hehe).

we did the usual touristy things. the weather was alright for the first 4 days, then it got very cloudy and stormy so i didn't get many sunset photos. Legian Street was flooded on Monday night. boohooo...but it was fun nevertheless. getting stuck alone at the TanahLot temple with the priests (caretakers?) while waiting for the storm to pass was not at all what i imagined to be doing, but what the heck...ikut aja lah. hehe

i also never thought i'd be brave enough to go scuba diving and surfing, but i did. diving was muchas excellente, but i failed miserably at surfing..hihi. got tired after 1 hour on the first day, and skipped my second lesson because my muscles hurt like hell when i woke up the next morning, so i just decided to lie in bed for a couple of hours instead.

best siol bali...hehehe.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy 2008!

2008 New Year Fireworks, originally uploaded by nadi0.

a bit later than usual, i know, but there u go. my goals for this year:

- get thesis 95% done by end March 2008 <-- ok, this has been my annual goal since January 2004. it's my last chance, i really have to get it done this time, or i'll be screwed.
- get more photo jobs
- train to climb mountains
- climb a mountain (if health permits)
- improve certain aspects of life, where appropriate

hope u all have a good year!

live long, and prosper!