Thursday, May 24, 2007


finished watching the season finale of Heroes this morning, in my attempt to stay awake until it's time to get to work. The words of Mohinder Suresh at the end of the episode was very touching...i'm sure this paragraph is in blogs all over the world this week.
"we dream of hope, we dream of change, of fire, of love, of death...Then it happens, the dream becomes real. And the answer to this quest, this need to solve life's mysteries, finally shows itself , like the glowing light of a new dawn.

so much struggle for meaning, for purpose, and in the end we find it only in each other, our shared experience of the fantastic and the mundane. The simple human need to find a kindred, to connect, and to know in our hearts that we are not alone."

i am so going to be a zombie at work today.