Sunday, January 09, 2005

sunday ramblings...

woke up early today...well, 9.30am is quite early for me. took my medications, and went down for some roti sardin my dad bought me. yummy...! after that, i put on my mask to give my cats their medication. people in the house kept telling me that one of the cats ada kudis la, bleeding ears la, and i should take it to the vet. but nobody even bothered to give the poor cat her medication we got from two months ago! i thought i'd start giving the medication and see what happens..if it doesn't improve, then i'll take it to the vet again.

anyway, i'm supposed to be waking up earlier than 9.30am to get some exercise. doctor's orders. doc said i have to strengthen my heart and lungs before i go for transplant in february. it seems my lung infection is still cough hasn't improved much since i came back..if this infection doesn't clear up by transplant time, then my transplant will be delayed. i honestly don't know whether to be upset or happy if that happens. on one hand, the faster i do it, the faster i will get better, insyaAllah. on the other hand, i heard some scary transplant stories that doesn't make me too excited to go through it.

mum told me yesterday that one of my roomies at the hospital died on christmas eve. She had Lymphoma. She was 22, on her way to becoming a nurse. I didn't speak to her much, she always seemed so weak and in constant pain. But at times when she was well, she was a very cheerful young lady. Her father brought me some telur ayam kampung from where they live. God bless her and her family.