Thursday, April 13, 2006

Kisah leukemia

almost terforgot.

Had my monthly checkup last week. My white blood count was lower than normal. When the doc asked if i'm having a fever, cold or cough...i said no, so she ordered a full blood picture so she can further investigate. Went home, and later that night, i caught myself a slight fever. Yup i'm starting to believe that it's all in the mind. So the low white blood count was justified. hehehe. Anyway, the doc said she'd call me if there was a problem. I haven't heard from her in a week. No news is good news, usually, in the case of government hospitals. :-)

My abnormally high levels of liver enzymes have also dropped, which strengthened their suspicion that my ciclosporin intake was causing the rise.

Bro went to donate his lymphocytes (white blood) that day. Ugh..poor dude had to sit next to the aphresis machine while the nurse poked him about 4-5 times to find a good vein. He has small veins like me, so the nurse couldn't get the blood to flow fast enough. Tak cukup dengan itu, in the little curtained section of the clinic, there were 4 additional nurses watching. If it was me, i would have felt rimas already. Perhaps they should add a viewing room in the future, for the sake of the patient's or donor's comfort. :-)

itu saje...bye!