Friday, October 06, 2006

Balada Bantal Busuk

dang...i can't get Lan's "Smelly Pillow Ballad" tune out of my head...! I really have no idea what he's singing about but the music sounds just so damn catchy. I believe i can sing it better though, but nevermind that. hihi

Watch out guys...this song is going to be a hit when it comes out. Not in a few months though..i got a copy coz i'm so nice to him.

Anyway, i came across Disaster yesterday. Disaster looked in fact, disastrous. Apart from losing my appetite, i think i did well facing it. Selamat Hari Raya, Disaster, and Maaf Zahir & Batin.

blog surfing last night...i saw a lot of postings about people who are having relationship issues. I also know a friend of mine who is in love with a person who can't seem to let go of the past, but at the same time doesn't seem to want to let go of the present. Tough shit my friend...good luck is all I can say.

Hep C update:
people have been asking what's up...i went to discuss with the gastro guy yesterday, and he said just because they detected the antibody it doesn't mean that I have the virus. So we have to run more tests to find out the details. This will be the last of my Hep C updates on this blog. Everything else will remain private. Thanks for the concern and well wishes, though. :-)

Ok. selamat berbuka!