Tuesday, February 13, 2007

spot on

Sze punya, originally uploaded by nadi0.

i had my last monday class today. no more having to rush after work to school. and no more having to listen to lectures about how malaysians are so negative that we'll never amount to anything in life.

it took me more hours last night looking through my bird park photos than reading my journal articles. i ended up skimming through 5, and only properly reading one. it must be my lucky day today, because when he opened up my CD and randomly picked an article, he picked the one I actually read!! woohoo...! It was worthwhile spending the time editing the bird photos instead. hahaha..

the topic i chose was the power of blogs, and its possible usage within corporations. maybe i should write an entry about how the module didn't teach me much at all. muhaha..but i'll be kind lah since i'm so happy.

here's a picture of my friend's lens, taken from my home studio experiment...it has got nothing to do with this posting.
