Sunday, February 11, 2007

talk to the hand...

talk to the hand..., originally uploaded by nadi0.

coz the head ain't in focus!!!

still have journal articles to read, group project to finish, a discussion at 11am tomorrow, ...and i'm still up doing nonsense. come to think of it, i was up the whole day doing nonsense, when there are still more immediate matters to be attended to.

i'm really not sure how buying two clamp spotlights from IKEA to build my home studio would help me answer my exam questions, but it sure is better than staying home, reading my textbooks!

just 3 more weeks, i need to focus!! i wish my head could focus like my camera does when it is set to a wide aperture; subject in sharp focus, and all distractions get blurred into the background. (paham ke korang analogy ni? hahaha)
