Sunday, March 14, 2004


Just finished observing my 6 month old kitten, Cookie, milking from its mum, trying to fight for milk with 5 other 7-week old kittens. Iyergh!! Cookie is as big as its mum!! Why do I find that disturbing? I'll post pictures later.

Anyway, I went to see "Buli" just now. Starring Afdlin Shauki, Nasha and Hans Isaac. Quite an OK movie, if you were to compare it with other Malay movies. Slapstick elements still there - I guess it's the nature of every Malay comedy. Oh well...all in all, Buli is a funny number. My only complain is the two girls seated next to me. Why can't they just bloody watch the movie? Do they have to repeat every single line that was said? Was it necessary to try to explain every small act that happened in the movie? And jeez, do have some courtesy not to 'bersila' on the seat, unless you are 500% certain that your feet don't smell!! euwww!

Then there are some people who bring their kids into the cinema, and let the kids run up and down the stairs, and in front of the screen. What's up with that? If I wanted to watch kids running, I could go to the playground. Do parents today impose less control than our parents? When I was a child, I didn't remember my brothers and me running around in department stores. Seriously, I can't stand watching kids screaming up and down supermarket aisles while their parents nonchalantly pick up their groceries. Why!!!!?!!!

OK, enough complaining. Hope my children don't turn out like those wild, uncontrollable little ones.

Better sleep, got class tomorrow (while everybody else is enjoying their weekend)......malasnya!!!!!!