William Hung...we all know who he is. For those who don't, he was the guy who got totally thrashed at the American Idol auditions (although I don't understand how you could miss this piece of news). How did he become famous? I have no clue. Check out his videos at www.williamhung.net...i'll bet you, you won't have a clue either. However, since it was aired, I have never been able to get that awful "she bangs!! she bangs!!" tune out of my head. I can't even remember what Ricky Martin's version sounds like anymore.
Whatever it is that Will used, it was definitely effective. Powerful. This is how I believe William Hung acquired his fame:
- make people cringe by bad singing and highly uncoordinated moves
- get judges to make horrible comments
- show a relaxed attitude
- generate sympathy from public
- get best friend to distribute videos on the Net
- generate admiration
- accomplish mission of having truckloads of fans
To become famous, does someone need to be on either side of the spectrum? Which means, either you are really good, or really really bad? Well, I'm sure no one aspires to become famous because he is the worst singer in the world. But if it's just fame you're after, why not??
His jet-speed way to fame made me ponder upon the possibilities that he could have been a part of the show's selling strategy. Could it be?
All in all, hurrahh for William Hung!! he walks like he talks and he talks like he walk....he bangs!! he bangs!!