Friday, September 09, 2005

Hari yang pening

Woke up yesterday morning with mild headache. Went to the hospital as usual, got my medication, and went home. Short day, since I didn't have to see the doctor yesterday. Got home around 1pm, fell asleep until 8.45PM. Woke up to have some dinner, and went back to sleep until 9AM this morning. Man...i guess it just wasn't my day yesterday.

Got my beautiful car back today, almost 3 grand poorer. The aircon better last long this time. After paying that much, the car actually feels fresh! I think mum will stop complaining about the air in my car now.

Hmm suddenly feel the urge to send the car in for power steering rack replacement lak, which is long overdue. And upholstry replacement, polishing, vacuuming...tempting...but maybe next month. :-)