Monday, May 09, 2005

Nifty Palm Applications!

I was scouring the net for free palm software last night and came across these

Epocrates: Drug index. Contains information almost all drugs, complete with drug interactions, adverse reaction, etc. Of course, you will have to get this information updated regularly to get the latest drug index.

ProfileMD: An application that keeps records of your health information, e.g. allergies, medications, clinical visits, shots, family history, symptom logs, etc. Quite nifty! Unfortunately only available for Palm OS.

Autobuddy: Don't have the link. Search for it at Keeps track of your car services and repairs, etc.

i downloaded a few hundred other applications, but so far i'm quite excited about these three.

btw, did anyone go to the Times Warehouse Sale in PJ last weekend? It was pretty awesome. Thank goodness the place wasn't too crowded when i arrived . I bought Dan Brown's Angels & Demons, Illustrated Edition out of greed and the uncontrollable urge to spend.

was also flipping through "Man are from Mars, Women are from Venus" over the weekend. Quite a good book, i must say. Certain things I've always wondered about men, i understood from reading that book. For example, when my boyfriend always tries to offer me solutions when all i wanted was to pour out my problems - it's because men in general feel more satisfied when they get to solve a problem, rather than talk about it (like women). Anyway, cool book and all. My only question though, is, before the Martians and Venusians got together on earth, how did they reproduce in their planets?

Got my appointment with the datin in a couple of hours. Hope the follow up test with her machine will be good. Tomorrow bone marrow aspiration (will do it under sedation) to see if the level of blast cells in my bone marrow. Aiming for less than 5%. Amin, amin, ya rabbil 'aalamin.