Friday, May 27, 2005

when in KLCC... as shoppers do.

couldn't resist the green adidas shoes that were going for 40% discount. Wanted to buy them last year, but at the time i thought they were a bit too funky for 200 bucks. since they're now in the sale bin, i decided to just grab 'em. i tried on some very comfortable 3.5" U.R.S. heels, luckily they were out of sizes and I couldn't figure out where I would wear them, since I'm not working. hope they will be on sale when it's time to go back to work.

went to the office to collect some claim cheques. while greeting some colleagues there, I had a sudden yearning to be back to work. until i got stuck in the traffic jam on the way home. yergh, i guess i'll make sure i'm properly recovered. :-)