Monday, December 27, 2004

5 days later...

Yup, still got the fever. The dilemma now is that I also have some liver problems due to the chemo, so doc advised not to take too many paracetamols. So i had to sponge the heat off with wet towels. Many sleepless nights for me and my mum.

Anyway, friday was quite interesting. They arranged a bronchoscope (did i spell this correct?) for me since the lung infection became quite apparent. What they do is they insert a fine tube up your nose, and push it down to your lungs. So the scope showed some inflammation, but in order to get some sample of that infection, they had to do a lavage (spelling?) on my lungs. They basically sucked out the phlegm from my lungs. Gosh, it was quite an unpleasant experience. I coughed all the way.

Other than that, the days went by in quite a daze. I'm either sleeping, trying to sleep, getting blood sucked out of me, sucking on orange popsicle, etc. I've got a stiff neck from uncomfortable sleeping positions. I don't know what else to minyak kapak, vicks, everything of that sort on my neck already. I just wish I could sleep comfortably.

Oh, on friday, some colleagues of mine came bearing gifts from the company. I am very touched at everybody's kindness (note: should write a thank you note to office) and I will always pray for your health and happiness in life.

I'm actually feeling a bit better now...despite the temperature. I don't think i'll get out of here by New Year's though. What a bummer, coz I was looking forward to watching Living with Tigers on Discovery Channel on 31st December. I wonder if I could download the show from Kazaa or something. It looks like all I'll be watching on New Year's Eve is the Fireworks Show from KLCC.

Ok, better go a figure out a comfortable sleeping position..