Friday, December 03, 2004

Day 10

So far so good, no fever yet. Cough and cold still not gone yet.

My blood count has started to drop tremendously. Yesterday's count:
White blood cells - 0.06 (normal 4.0 - 11.0)
Haemoglobins - 8.5 (normal 11 - 16)
Platelets - 28,000 (normal 150,000 - 400,000)

The specialist, Dr O, was happy to see this drop. The surgical mask has become my new best friend. And the medical officer got a "HOII!!!" from me for coughing around in my room this morning. What was he trying to do, infect me with his germs??

Dr O said the counts will stay low for about 2 weeks. Looks like I'll be Starcraft-ing my days away until I recover.

Am a bit bummed out because Z has started his new job and won't be able to visit me as often.