Sunday, December 05, 2004


How am i? Same old, same old. I've taken to waking up as late as possible to make days feel like they are moving faster. Due to my low platelets, I am starting to bruise everywhere. I'm on Day 12, which means I have about 16-18 more days to go. I'm hoping that it will go well right through the end of my stay in the hospital.

Nothing else is new, so let's take a break from reading about my daily health condition and check out The Kimster, a dear friend of mine, is an amazing writer. I have always wished I could write like him, full of thoughts and ponderings. But then again, I was never really the "pondering" type of person, so let's just leave the pondering to The Kimster, shall we?

I miss my cats - Mr Frodo, Owen, Alf & Cookie.

Adios muchachos!