Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hari ke 9

So far not so good. I have definitely seen better days. My sore throat is getting worse, so bad that my eyes become watery everytime i try to swallow. I'm eating soft food like really watery porridge. Not even close to the food pictures i see on the net! But that's about the only food i could swallow at the moment.

In my attempt to be brave and strong and all that, the pain was so bad that i started feeling sad. A nurse came in to give me a pep talk. The normal yada yada, but it made me feel a bit better after that.

At times like these, i wish i could be as strong as people think i am. But i am only human, sometimes pain takes over and i break down. People who have seen my tantrums would know how it is. They may think that i give up easily, but giving up has never been part of my agenda. All i want is for them to take the pain du jour away. But some people say, no pain no gain, yeah?

But i know, this too, shall pass. The sooner, the better! In the meantime, jom makan aiskrim! My pick today, Gotcha orange popsicle. What's yours?