Thursday, July 07, 2005

radiation day 3

again, nothing interesting happened. but the radiotherapy ends today. I'm feeling OK so far. No skin burns, no nausea today. Gained a bit of appetite, so I had all three meals. The process isn't too complicated, really. They take me into a room, start plugging some diodes on my body, and shine the radiation. It takes about 30 minutes per session. 10 minutes to get ready, 10 minutes to shine the front part of my body, and another 10 minutes to shine the back part. Then I get wheeled back to my ward.

here's a picture of my infusomat. I call it the Movement Inhibitor. It's just so bloody heavy, it doesn't make me feel like moving around the room or going to the toilet. Plus it's so cold here i'd rather stay under the blanket!

Ok, will probably start memorizing some prayers for tomorrow, and then watch some Jamie Oliver, maybe. I start my high dose chemo tomorrow. Wish me luck!