Friday, October 14, 2005

Terkenang kembali....

Reunions are always fun, aren't they? I have never managed to make it to my school reunions for various reasons. I imagine it would be very comforting, to meet your friends again after all these years. Some 100+ girls (women now), who along your five-year stint in high school, must have touched your life somehow, be it your clique of friends or someone you briefly organized something with. Year after year, you meet these friends. You wonder why you never bothered to keep in touch with most of them. You wish you did. But you smile, because although you don't really know the details of their current lives, you are glad that you shared a wonderful past together. And you seek comfort in the fact that although they look different now, and will continue to, they are still the same people you knew from a while back, with the same laughs, same smiles and same hearts.