Thursday, August 18, 2005

at the clinic

Long day at the hospital. Arrived at 8.15 am for blood test, then went for my CT scan. Am now at the clinic, getting my immunoglobulin medication. My blood counts are getting better, though my liver has become toxic since two of my many medications have adverse reaction towards my liver. So the doc reduced my dosage of one med, the ciclosporin to 3/4 of the normal dose.

Aargh, this hospital is so noisy! The security guard blowing away his whistle like nobody's business! He thinks he's the traffic police kat Bulatan Pahang ke? Then there's a car whose alarm has been off for the past 15 minutes! It has one of those annoying sounds that changes, ninoninonino-piaupiaupiaupiau-neeneeneenee-woowoowoowoo... Takda bunyi yang elok sikit ke? Lambada ke, Macarena ke...entertaining la jugak. Please shut the f*** up!! Argh!