Monday, August 22, 2005

Please la Jamil....DO SOMETHING!

Topic: Drama Inikah Cinta.

I'm hating this Jamil character because he such a softy! If he truly loves Rima, DO Something! Why let that Shidee guy get in the way? (He's too bulky anyways, yuck). Huh...letih la tengok drama Inikah Cinta ni...Jamil's too busy being nice to Shidee while Rima is mad coz Jamil won't do anything about their obvious love for each other. Why don't we just twist the plot, where in the end Jamil confesses that he actually loves Shidee and they both fly off to America to have a gay commitment ceremony? The other thing I don't get is why they like to meet at roadsides. Who does that? Who stops by a roadside in Putrajaya to "get some air?" Who calls their friend and say "eh, let's meet by that highway in Putrajaya. I got a problem to talk to you about. See you in an hour yeah?" Tak logic langsung! The other thing yang tak logic is me still watching the drama despite my complains. hehehehe...cannot's some sort of an irritainment for me, somehow...much like watching Britney and Kevin's Chaotic or Newlyweds.

No cooking today. Too long time spent at the clinic. Had the helper reproduce Viccuda's Ayam Goreng Kunyit (3rd try) and finally it turned out perfect today. He he he...Spent the rest of the day watching DVD (Breakfast at Tiffany's - Nice!!) and working on my MBA thesis (tiba2 semangat).

This is Day +42. Doc told me that I'm doing very well at the moment. My counts are up, WBC 9.3, Hb 11.3 and platelets 116. Nice! Liver ok, kidneys a bit off, from the lasix (diuretic) I've been taking to reduce the swelling around my ankles, torso and face. I'm still not off the steroids, the dose is decreased slightly every week until i get off it. Pray to God that I continue to do well in the longer run. Amin.

Adios amigos!